That's right. Many of the individuals who have really cheap car insurance have the exact same policy you do. How is that possible? After all, you've been paying out the ying-yang for years, and thought you had a pretty good deal. Could you imagine seeing a friend and they pay half of what you do for the same policy? You would be irate right?

We would be as well, and it really hurts when you know you could have spent that extra money on school clothes for the kids, food on the table, or even other monthly obligations. Today we're going to help you learn how to get really cheap car insurance.

It doesn't matter if you pay a lot of money for your premium or have a great deal; the process is still the same. When you need to file a claim, you call up the insurance company, and explain all the details to the person on the other end of the phone. Eventually everything gets handled, yet someone else is getting really cheap car insurance instead of you.

What it comes down to is when you're dealing with the individuals from insurance companies, they still have to sell. If you want to get rid of this issue all together, then you need to take a different course of action. The way to do this is by securing a quote online. Just make sure the company you do it with is reputable.

The first thing to do when getting a quote online is providing all the same details as your current policy. This is extremely important; because if you have the smallest difference, it can your premium won't match up correctly. In turn you won't know if you're getting cheap auto insurance or just wasting your time.

We understand you might be wondering what would happen if you found a new company and had an accident. Would they cancel your policy? Would you have trouble getting a policy from someone else? Both are good questions, but in today's world longevity is no longer relevant. If you have to file a claim, and the insurance company can't afford the price, they'll cancel you even if they've been around for 10 years.

Then you also have to think about the fact that they won't just be looking at your accident claims. If you have an off-year and your car breaks down, the towing claims will come into play. Then of course all the other features you utilized with your policy. However, while older companies will have information on these, new companies will have no records. It could help you get cheap auto insurance.

The only way you will truly understand how possible it is to get really cheap car insurance is by comparing the rates. You only have to do this once every couple years, but you definitely don't have to wait until your next policy is about to end. If you want to save money and have a chance at really cheap car insurance, try it out and see what happens. You may end up changing carriers today.